Mystery Blogger Award

First of all, we would like to convey our deepest gratitudes to Debananda Roy for nominating us! Be sure to check out his blog. He posts amazing content:

A very special thank you to Okoto Enigma for creating this award and providing the opportunity for many bloggers to have their work recognised. Be sure to check out her blog as well:


One of our best posts would be: A Plea for Help. This post touches upon the current humanitarian crisis taking place in Yemen and how we, as individuals can help:

The rules:-

  1. Put the award logo on your blog.
  2. Thank the blogger who nominated you & provide a link to their blog.
  3. Mention the creator of the award.
  4. Answer the question you were asked.
  5. Tell the readers three things about you.
  6. Nominate Ten to Twenty bloggers.
  7. Notify the bloggers(tell them you nominated them) by commenting on one of their posts.
  8. Ask your nominee five questions with one weird or funny one.
  9. Share a link to your best posts.
  10. The creator of this award is —————————- Okoto Engima.

Three things about us:

  1. We wouldn’t have started this blog if it weren’t for the pandemic.
  2. Our blog consists of five members. Sometimes its challenging when we coordinate with each other, since we are all available at different times, but we wouldn’t have it any other way.
  3. We initially created this blog as an extracurricular activity to put in our college applications, but it became more than that. It was a way to stay connected with each other even after we graduated highschool and move away to lead different lives.

Answers to Debananda Roy’s questions:

  1. What are two positive strengths within yourself?

Anshala: One would be acceptance, because I believe in including all types of people in your life despite their differences. Another would be being determination, because I believe in working hard to get to where you want to head in life.

Sarah: My main positive strength is the ability to focus on a goal and achieve it as soon as possible. My second strength is having a growth mindset and an optimistic thought process which helps me look at the positive aspects of the future.

Bianca: One of my strengths would be that I’m hardworking and dedicated. I put the maximum effort in whatever project or task I’m doing at the moment. I won’t complete a project till I know its perfect

Jemima: One of my strengths that I’m genuinely proud of is my Self–control that I find myself exercising on a day to day basis. The second strength would be my Level-headedness which has helped me keep away from making any bad decisions. These two strengths are what I’m most proud of to possess.  

Ferdimah: One of my biggest strengths would be my ability to Comprehend and understand what other people around me may be going through in their lives. A second is my Creativity, being able to come up with various different ideas, concepts, and perspectives from a singular point of example.

2. How do you keep your stress under control?

Anshala: I do what I love most like singing or playing basketball, to keep me reminded that even under stress, I can find happiness and a state of relaxation.

Sarah: I pray and listen to worship songs as it calms me down.

Bianca: I like to listen to music. Whatever situation I am in, music never fails to soothe me.

Jemima: Generally, I take time off to really reflect and think about what’s keeping me stressed. I find that having a conversation with my parents or listening to music are two great stress-relievers.  

Ferdimah: Reading, listening to music, scrolling endlessly through social media (or even a combo of these) all help me to get my mind off of things for a while

3. What type of personality do you have– introvert, ambivert or extrovert?

Anshala: Definitely introverted, because for a very odd reason, I find comfort in being in my own little bubble and keeping to myself.

Sarah: Personally speaking I’m more of an introvert as I find it difficult to make interaction with anyone outside my circle.

Bianca: I would describe my self as an ambivert. Sometimes, I yearn to go out and socialise with my friends, but I also prefer to stay at home and enjoy some time alone. I’d say, it really depends on my mood.

Jemima:  I think I’d consider myself an ambivert. My ability to socialise really depends on who the other person is in terms of their age and their attitude/vibe that they let off.

Ferdimah: Probably an ambivert. Sometimes I’m too introverted to talk to other people but sometimes I’m too extroverted to be able to keep quiet. I have a lot of friends and know a lot of people, but I’m usually quiet and keep to myself. Being confident and expressive or completely reserved and bashful, I guess it just depends on my mood, the person, or even the situation.

4. What do you like most– Mountain or Ocean? and Why?

Anshala: I love the ocean. There is just some beauty in the wave movements and the peace it brings from its sounds. I’m also amazed by the sunsets and sunrises from the ocean’s horizon.

Sarah: I would pick the ocean over the mountain as the sound of the waves are soothing and the marine creatures are so beautiful. (My experience from snorkeling).

Bianca: I prefer the mountains since I don’t necessarily like the ocean. The fishy and salty smell is highly off-putting.

Jemima: I LOVE the Ocean!! In fact, I find it so serene and calming, I could spend all day at the beach enjoying it! My love for swimming has a great role to play in this as well. 

Ferdimah: The Ocean. I guess it’s just a mixture of nostalgia and beauty that makes me prefer it. I have an insane amount of great memories on the beach, but I also love how beautiful it can be with how it plays with the colors of the sky and the sounds all around it.

5. Do you enjoy doing exercise?

Anshala: I love exercise, it makes me feel alive and it is a form of meditation.

Sarah: Exercise is one of my favorite physical activities as it makes me feel more energized helps to keep my body fit.

Bianca: I don’t necessarily like to exercise, but I do it in order to stay fit and active.

Jemima: GOD NO! I try, I really do, but exercise and me just don’t go well together *sheepishly laughing*. But if you ever do find me exercising, know that it’s one of those “from now on I’m going to start exercising and be fit” days which would routinely only last 3 working days (haha).  

Ferdimah: Yes and No. Exercise can seriously boost my self confidence beyond bounds and make me feel extremely accomplished right after. During the exercise though, now that’s a COMPLETELY different thing.

Bloggers we would like to nominate:

  2. christinaandcamera
  3. Chasingthemaximumlife
  4. TimesofTrials
  5. Musingsofawhimsicalsoul
  6. Sufyanblogs
  7. TeensTalkofficial
  8. Kittyjadeblogs
  9. keeleyalexandra
  10. Blogginwithtia

Questions to ask our nominees:

  1. What inspired you to start a blog?
  2. What are your favourite hobbies?
  3. Which do you like more; Summer or Winter?
  4. What is the greatest thing about being a blogger?
  5. If you were to choose between never being able to read a novel or never being able to listen to music, which would it be? And why?

We would like to thank everyone for supporting us throughout this journey. We never imagined our blog reaching to these lengths. This was all made possible because of your unconditional support, and for that, we are so grateful.

-Bianca, Anshala, Jemima, Ferdimah, Sarah

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